Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Y I <3 CTA

I still remember my first time. Honestly, I am not sure if it happened earlier or later than my peers. I never thought about it beforehand. It just happened. I remember the majority of the details, and I remember being very nervous. I woke up early to do it, and I enjoyed every second of it. See, I was 9 years old. And my mother was there.

I am talking about…my first time…riding the CTA. In this case, it was the Brown Line train. My whole life, I have lived within rock throwing distance of the entrance to the Brown Line train station (and to put things into perspective, I do not have a strong arm). I have always felt a sort of connection to the CTA. A camaraderie. It was always the backdrop to my heydays of playing outside. The tracks are a mere 30 feet from my front door. I used to climb them as a kid. With my friends, we had this makeshift game that really only consisted of throwing a ball over the passing trains to the other side. That’s it. There were no winners or losers. Well, actually the only loser was the ball—and my pride—when I failed to clear the roof of the train (again, remember my deficiencies with throwing). The point is that the train has been with me since the beginning. Whenever somebody visits my house for the first time, and they hear the “loud” train passing by, he or she asks me, “Oh Wise Zach, how does one as awesome as yourself put up with the ever present racket of the train? Surely it must become annoying” And I tell them, “Listen my child, you are correct in your statement. I am Wise. However, as with anything in life, one adapts to their surroundings. And I have. With the train.” Granted, my friends never hear me over the passing of the train…but…oh well.

So, that day, when I was 9 years old and I boarded the train for the first time, I was on my way to my Mother’s workplace. From waiting for the train to come all the way to exiting it at our stop, I found it as mesmerizing as anything. I thought that the way we zoomed all over the city, in between buildings and underground, was exactly like the video games I used to play. I found the people on the train, on the platforms, waiting for the bus, I found all of them spectacular. I still take the train and bus to this day. I was on it today and I will be on it tomorrow. I am one of countless individuals to take it. When I am on the train, I read or listen to music. If I am tired, then I will sleep. But I also watch everyone. I like to think I am a people watcher. Hey, if people can watch birds and not be weird, why can’t I watch people? I mean, I don’t peek into their bedroom windows and I don’t stare them down, but I definitely watch them, and observe how they act. And I have noticed that every single kind of person rides the train. There are people worth money, and people who spend their time on the train begging for some. Every race, creed, social class, etc rides the CTA. People ride it to work and they ride it to their place of recreation. They ride it to see their children and they ride it to school. They ride it for fun. They deface it. They steal the maps off of it. They ride it at all times of the day and night.

Obviously because they are the first thing I see when I board the bus, I always look at the bus driver. I can determine rather quickly if he or she is enjoying their day. Think about it. The bus driver has to put up with everybody. If somebody is obnoxious, it ruins everybody’s ride. But you are eventually getting off. The driver must stay there, listening to this person. I just give them kudos for doing so.

And besides, they are courteous enough to get me from Point A…to Point Z. Even if they do charge so dang much!

My Apologies

My internet was down!! I am sorry! Wireless internet can be a pain. See, the problem was this: I wasn’t sure what to blog about. Plain and simple. I didn’t know what was appropriate to discuss, actually. So I asked my friends. Some had interesting topics. While others…wanted to me discuss them! Needless to say, I just thought that this could be a great forum to share some of my thoughts on certain subjects. With that said, I am always looking for topics. For me, that’ll be some of the fun in it! So…start giving me topics! Leave comments with ideas or text me (for those of you fortunate enough to have my number!)

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Happy Birthday!!!

Happy Birthday Jake! My earliest memory of us was when I wanted to hold you the day you came home...and then subsequently let you go and you rolled down my legs because I was tired of holding you. This is our first birthday apartttttt
:(((((( But you will come back soon! Hope you get your birthday gifts soon. Some people questioned my choice of gifts...but I knew what I was doing. Happy Birthday!

Your Big Brother.

Ok i promise

That this site won’t turn into a Kanye obsession site. With that said, even though I am very late on the Nike Air Yeezeys, I feel that I need to comment on them. Now, believe what you believe, but I promise promise promise that if any other rapper/singer did what Kanye did, I would be saying the same thing.

But. They didn’t.

I’m not going to discuss the physical appearance of them. Are they nice? Yep. Would I wear them? No. They do remind me of futuristic retro Jordans. Oxymoron! I don’t even know what the actual price was. Im not talking about the inflated eBay price, but the real in-store price. But that’s not important. What is important is the fact that a rapper has his own shoe. Now, I KNOW! Jay-Z had the S. Carters and Fifty had the G. Units. And the fact that they had those was awesome too. But they were on Reebok. I mean, Reebok is no slouch. But they aren’t Nike.

Again, if any other rapper did this, I would definitely be BLOGGING about it. Although the fact that Kanye did it makes it so much cooler! (I know, not a word…actually, it IS a word, but not in this context). In the 80s, when LL started licking his lips after each rhyme, the way you looked determined how many people listened to you. Not that appearance doesn’t matter now; it’s just that how hard is it to wear baggy jeans and oversized t-shirts? I used to do that as a kid when I tried on my Pop’s clothes. Back then, the shoes mattered. The Pumas, and the Reeboks, and the Adidas, and Nikes, and, oh yes, British Knights. Me? I rocked red Converse and white L.A. Gear. For a rapper to have his or her own shoe (or singer), to have one NAMED after you? That is big news. And on Nike? This is the same label that put out the greatest shoes of all time! And now Kanye added his legacy. But again, any rapper/singer who does this deserves kudos.

Well maybe not Soulja Boy Tell Em.

Welcome. And Thank You.

I have decided to blog because the people have spoken. Supply and demand. They ask. And I give. Actually, I asked who would be interested if I wrote a blog and I was met with lackadaisical responses. But regardless, I created one. Now, I am new to blogging. I do not really know what to do. From what I can gather...I just babble and pray someone finds it amusing. See, the written word is so much easier for me to accomplish than the spoken word. When I talk, I sometimes st-st-stutter; or, sometimes I lose focus (look! flashing lights!). But when I write, it is extremely therapeutic, very fulfilling. So. Yes. This wont turn into an online diary. It will just be a forum. Um. Okay. Goodbye.